Publicacoes 2008

What is a DOI: Digital Object Identifier (DOI)?

    a. Livros:
  1. A. Conci, E. Azevedo e F.R. Leta , "Computacao Grafica: Teoria e Pratica", vol. 2. Editora Campus/Elsevier, Rio de Janeiro, ISBN: 978-85-352-2329-3 - 2008, 432 paginas.
  2. b. Artigos em periodicos:

  3. Thomas Walter Rauber, Aura Conci, "Using Postscript Programming Language in an Undergraduate Computer Graphics Course", vol 12 N.2 (2008) Journal for Geometry and Graphics , Heldermann Verlag, Germany, ISSN 1433-8158, pp. 215-228.
  4. Marcelo P. M. Zamith, Esteban W. G. Clua, Aura Conci, Anselmo Montenegro, Regina C. P. Leal-Toledo, Paulo A. Pagliosa, Luis Valente, Bruno Feijo; "A game loop architecture for the GPU used as a math coprocessor in real-time applications" - Article No. 42 Full text available: ACM: , Computers in Entertainment (CIE) , Volume 6 , Issue 3 (October 2008), pp. 1-19 - ISSN:1544-3574 DOI Bookmark:10.1145/1394021.1394035 .

  5. Gonzaga, S. L. de O.; Viola, F.; Conci, A. An approach for Enhancing Fingerprint Images using adaptive Gabor Filter parameters. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (also as an electronic publication), ISSN 1054-6618 (Print) 1555-6212 (Online). Qualis C Internacional Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 497-506 Pleiades Publishing Ltd. and also: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica distributed exclusively by Springer Science+Business Media LLC. 2008. DOI: 10.1134/S105466180803019X
    pdf version

  6. c. Artigos Completos em Anais de Congressos Nacionais (com revisores):

  7. Erick Baptista Passos, Mark Joselli, Marcelo Zamith, Jack Rocha, Esteban Walter Gonzalez Clua, Anselmo Montenegro, Aura Conci, Bruno Feijo, Supermassive Crowd Simulation on GPU based on Emergent Behavior, SBGames 2008- Belo Horizonte - MG, November 10 - 12, SBC - Proceedings of SBGames'08: Computing Track - Full Papers, Published by Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao, SBC Edited by Fernando S. Osorio, Luiz Chaimowicz, Rosilane Mota, Zenilton Patrocinio, VII SBGames - ISBN: 85-766-9204-X, pp. 70-75 (trabalho completo em anais de evento)
  8. Mark Joselli, Marcelo Zamith, Esteban Clua, Anselmo Montenegro, Regina Toledo, Aura Conci,Paulo Pagliosa, Luis Valente, Bruno Feijo,"An Adaptative Game Loop Architecture with Automatic Distribution of Tasks between CPU and GPU" , SBGames 2008 - Belo Horizonte - MG, November 10 - 12, SBC - Proceedings of SBGames'08: Computing Track - Full Papers, Published by Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao, SBC Edited by Fernando S. Osorio, Luiz Chaimowicz, Rosilane Mota, Zenilton Patrocinio, VII SBGames - Simposio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital - ISBN: 85-766-9204-X, pp. 115-120 , (trabalho completo em anais de evento)
  9. Nelson Carlos Medeiros de Vasconcellos, Jose Raphael Bokehi, Aura Conci, Marcos Raimundo Gomes de Freitas, Coerencia Espectral Aplicada a Localizacao das Regioes Cerebrais Envolvidas nas Mioclonias, CBEB 2008,Salvador. Brasil. ( in Portuguese) ISBN: 978-85-60064-13-7, de 16 a 20 de novembro de 2008, CEFET-BA. pp. 1647-1650, (trabalho completo em anais de evento)

  10. d. Artigos Completos em Anais de Congressos Internacionais (com revisores):

  11. Mark Joselli, Esteban Clua, Anselmo Montenegro, Aura Conci (Instituto de Computacao - Universidade Federal Fluminense),Paulo Pagliosa (Dep. de Computacao e Estatistica , Univ. Fed. do Mato Grosso do Sul) "A New Physics Engine with Automatic Process Distribution between CPU-GPU," SIGGRAPH Sandbox Conference. Proceedings of Sandbox 2008: An ACM SIGGRAPH Videogame Symposium - August 09 through August 10, 2008 - ISBN: 978-1-60558-173-6 pp. 149-156.Third annual ACM SIGGRAPH Sandbox Symposium on Videogames ,- Los Angeles, CA. (trabalho completo em anais de evento)

  12. A. Conci, E. Nunes, J. J. Pantrigo, A. Sanchez , Comparing color and texture-based algorithms for human skin detection, ICEIS'08 ( - ICEIS '08 - 10th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems June (13-16) in Barcelona, Spain. Proceedings Databases and Information Systems Integration , volume 5 : Human - Computer Interaction pp. 168-173 - ver artigo original. ISBN: 978-989-8111-40-1, Printed in Portugal , Edited by Jose Cordeiro and Joaquim Filipe. Ver Imagens usadas. (trabalho completo em anais de evento) DOI: 10.1109/TLA.2007.4378503
  13. Rafael H. C. de Melo, Aura Conci, , "Succolarity: Defining a Method to Calculate this Fractal Measure" - Paper ID: 24,Presented in IWSSIP 15th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing - published in the paper(ISBN 978-80-227-2856-0 )(IEEE catalog number CFP 0855E-PRT) and CD ISNB- 978-80-227-2880-5 (IEEE catalog number:CFP 0855E-CDR) - Proceedings of IWSSIP 2008- 15th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing - Edited by G. Rozinaj, J. Cepko, P. Truchly, J. Vrabec and J. Vojtko, p. 291- 294.
  14. L. Bastos, P. Liatsis, A. Conci , "Automatic Texture Segmentation Based on k-means Clustering and Efficient Calculation of Co-occurrence Features" - Paper ID: 30, Presented in IWSSIP 15th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing - published in the paper(ISBN 978-80-227-2856-0 )(IEEE catalog number CFP 0855E-PRT) and CD ISNB- 978-80-227-2880-5 (IEEE catalog number:CFP 0855E-CDR) - Proceedings of IWSSIP 2008- Edited by G. Rozinaj, J. Cepko, P. Truchly, J. Vrabec and J. Vojtko,pp. 141-144. (trabalho completo em anais de evento)
  15. E. W. Clua, M.S. Fonseca, A Conci,and A. Montenegro "Detecting Shot Transitions Based on Video Content"- Paper ID: 43, Presented in IWSSIP published in the paper(ISBN 978-80-227-2856-0 )(IEEE catalog number CFP 0855E-PRT) and CD ISNB- 978-80-227-2880-5 (IEEE catalog number:CFP 0855E-CDR) - Proceedings of IWSSIP 2008 - 15th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing - Edited by G. Rozinaj, J. Cepko, P. Truchly, J. Vrabec and J. Vojtko, pp. 339-342. (obter o trabalho completo dos anais de evento)
  16. A. Montenegro, E. P. Calixto, A Conci, E. W. Clua, "Introducing a new metric for automatic true color images granulometry" - Paper ID: 95, Presented in IWSSIP 15th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing - Bratislava de 23 a 28 de junho, published in the paper(ISBN 978-80-227-2856-0 )(IEEE catalog number CFP 0855E-PRT) and CD ISNB- 978-80-227-2880-5 (IEEE catalog number:CFP 0855E-CDR) - Proceedings of IWSSIP 2008- Edited by G. Rozinaj, J. Cepko, P. Truchly, J. Vrabec and J. Vojtko, p. 339-342. (trabalho completo em anais de evento)
  17. T.W. Raubert, A Conci et al. "Bhattacharyya Probabilistic Distance of the Dirichlet Density and its Application to Split-And-Merge Image Segmentation" - Paper ID: 117, Presented in IWSSIP- 15th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing - published in the paper (ISBN 978-80-227-2856-0 ) (IEEE catalog number CFP 0855E-PRT) and CD ISNB- 978-80-227-2880-5 (IEEE catalog number:CFP 0855E-CDR) - Proceedings of IWSSIP 2008- Edited by G. Rozinaj, J. Cepko, P. Truchly, J. Vrabec and J. Vojtko, pp. 145-148.(trabalho completo em anais do evento)
  18. Thomas W. Rauber e Aura Conci, "On the use of the Postscript Programming Language in an Undergraduate Computer Graphic Course",e-book: 13th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics, ISBN978-3-86780-042-6, Edyted by Gunter Weiss, August 4th - 8th, 2008 - Dresden, Germany

  19. e. Resumo expandido em anais de evento

  20. E. Nunes, A. Conci, "Uma Estrategia Metaheuristica Hibrida para Clusterizacao Automatica e Reducao da Dimensionalidade dos Dados" X Simposio de Aplicacoes Operacionais em areas de Defesa - Artigo Completo, X SIGE, 24 e 26 de setembro, CTA, Sao Jose dos Campos, SP, pagina 26. Sessao Tecnica VII - Auditorio C - Eletronica - Quinta-Feira 25/09/08 - 14:10 h .
  21. Thomas W. Rauber e Aura Conci, "On the use of the Postscript Programming Language in an Undergraduate Computer Graphic Course", Booklet of ICGG 2008 - 13th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics: p.195- ISBN978-3-86780-042-6 August 4th - 8th, 2008 - Dresden, Germany
  22. Mark Joselli, Luis Valente, Marcelo Zamith, Esteban Clua, Anselmo Montenegro, Aura Conci, Bruno Feijo, Marcos d' Ornellas, Cesar Pozzer, Regina Toledo, Automatic Dynamic Task Distribution between CPU and GPU for Real-Time Systems, 11th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE-08), July 16-18, 2008, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
  23. Lucas Bastos, Panos Liatsis, Aura Conci, "A Novel Algorithm for Grey Level Co-Occurrence Matrix Computation in Real Time Biomedical Image Analysis" WCCM - ECCOMAS 2008 Venice - Italy, 30 June- 4 July, 2008.

  24. Flavio Luiz Seixas, Luiz Satoru Ochi, Aura Conci, Debora C. M. Saade,"Image Registration Using Genetic Algorithms", GECCO 2008 - Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference - poster section - Atlanta - Georgia - July 12 to 16 2008 - ACM SIG Conferesces, Pages: 1145-1146 - ISBN: 978-1-60558-131-6.
  25. Flavio Luiz Seixas, Andrea Souza, Alexandre Plastino, Debora Saade, and Aura Conci,"Clinical Dementia Rating Score Prediction Based on Automated Brain Image Segmentation", International Workshop on Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2008 IEEE Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics - Philadelphia, PA, November 3-5, 2008. Short papers - B221, 2pp.
  26. Marcelo Zamith (UFF), Esteban Clua (UFF) , Aura Conci (UFF) , Anselmo Montenegro (UFF), Paulo Pagliosa (UFMS) , Luis Valente (PUC-Rio) "A Model for Process Distribution Between GPU and CPU for Math and Physics Calculations ". SVR 2008
  27. Flavio L. Seixas, Anita Martins, Arthur R. Stilben, Daniel Madeira, Rafael Assumpcao, Saulo Mansur, Silvia M. Victer, Vilson B. Mendes e Aura Conci, Avaliacao dos Metodos para a Segmentacao Automatica dos Tecidos do Encefalo em Ressonancia Magnetica, XI Simposio de Pesquisa Operacional e Logistica da Marinha, Escola de Guerra Naval - Praia Vermelha - Rio de Janeiro, SPOLM 2008, de 5 a 6 de agosto de 2008 (Livro de resumos p. 53-54).
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  28. Eldman de Oliveira Nunes, Aura Conci, Clusterizacao Automatica na Reducao da Dimensionalidade dos Dados, XI Simposio de Pesquisa Operacional e Logistica da Marinha, 5 e 6 de Agosto de 2008 na Escola de Guerra Naval-EGN (Livro de resumos p. 36-37)

  29. Lista das Qualis . - Disponivel em: -


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