
Welcome - English Page
Laboratório de Pós-graduação em Computação 





O objetivo principal do laboratório é prover aos estudantes de pós-graduação , estudantes do Instituto de Computação e aos funcionários um ambiente computacional  UNIX para desenvolvimento e pesquisa .

Recursos do Laboratório

O laboratório possui um grande numero de workstations RISC. (IBM RS6000s , Sun Ultra SPARCs )
Assim como estações (PC's) rodando Linux e Windows conectadas através de rede local (Ethernet) ao backbone ATM da universidade (  e a Internet .

Virtualmente todos os equipamentos foram obtidos através de projetos de pesquisa financiados por instituições Brasileiras como CAPES, CNPq, FINEP and FAPERJ.

 Our Domain Name is

 Laboratory Support Team

 A rapid response team is responsible for the smooth running and adminstration of the Laboratory. If you have or
 notice any problems, please contact us through the following email address

 Note that the team does not provide help to solve programming, course work or "how to use software"
 related problems. However, a quick reference guide is available to help you with FAQ-type problems.

    Prof. Vinod Rebello, Laboratory Coordinator.
    Marco Cordeiro, Lab. Tech.
    Rafael Mendes, responsible for the Linux PCs.
    If you would like to be part of the team, send us an email.

Laboratory News

Click here for the latest laboratory news


Comunique qualquer problema através do e-mail :

Quick Help Links

Getting Started

STEP 1: Como obter uma conta de usuário

Os estudantes devem pedir aos seus orientadores a assinatura do formulario de requisição para abertura de conta. O mesmo pode ser obtido junto a secretaria do curso. Cada estudante deverá ainda requerer junto a secretaria seu cartão para acesso ao laboratório mediante taxa. Os estudantes receberão sua conta de usuário e senha posteriormente na secretaria do curso ou através de contato com o supervisor do laboratório.

Members of staff with an acredited research project should send a request to

STEP 2: Configurando seu login e ambiente de trabalho (shell)

O shell padrão é csh (C Shell), se você tem duvidas sobre o que é ou como configurar seu Shell , simplesmente copie estes arquivos para o seu diretorio , como descrito abaixo :

    cp /home/admin/suporte/.login .login
    cp /home/admin/suporte/.cshrc .cshrc

Então saia do sistema usando o comando logout e faca o login novamente.

Quando voce fizer este novo login deve aparecer uma mensagen do tipo :


             CAA - Pos-Graduacao em Computacao Aplicada e Automacao

                 PGCC - Pos-Graduacao em Ciencia da Computacao


              Matricula/Inscricao em Disciplinas: 07 e 08 de marco

               Primeiro Periodo Letivo: 19 de marco a 13 de julho


Caso você ja possua conhecimentos , sobre os arquivos de configuração do Shell , sinta-se livre para
alterar conforme sua necessidade , caso contrário os arquivos padrão já contem a maior parte das configurções necessárias .

STEP 3: The Window Manager

Default window manager for Solaris machines is openwindows.
This program is started automatically by the NCD  terminals and by Sun Ultra workstations if you the following message:

           Starting OpenWindows in 10 seconds (type Control-C to interrupt)
Users logged in at the console of Sun Workstations who do not receive this message will need to type
the following command at the prompt:
    openwin or /usr/openwin/bin/openwin

Changing Your Password

The Laboratory network doesn't not a conventional Password scheme. Therefore, do NOT try to change your password yourself. Contact the Lab Supervisor to do this with you.

Online UNIX Manual

Running programs on other machine

To run a program on a machine other than the one you are sitting in front of (console-machine), use the following command in one of your shells


You may be prompted for your password. If your program produces graphical output, you need to tell the new machine
where to display this information. The way to do this depends on your shell type. Using the default shell csh type setenv DISPLAY console-machine name:0

Using the World Wide Web (WWW)

 The currently supported software is Netscape Communicator version 4.72.

General help about using netscape can be found here
An online handbook for Netscape Navigator 2.01 is available here.


Your email address is It is preferred that users use the Netscape Mail tool within Netscape Communicator to read and send mail from local machines. In order to use the mail server to send mail, your mail tool must support authenication. Currently Mailtool (under openwindows) only works the user is logged on to the mail server cambuci. Netscape Mail need to be configured before use:


Latex2e (and Latex) is a text processing package for producing dvi- or postscript-formatted documents. This software is installed on mangostin.

Online help is available here.

Programming in C

Compiling Programs in C, C++ and Fortran

Program should be compiled with GNU's gcc, g++ and f++

The MPI Programming Environment

The currently supported version of MPI 2 is the University of Notre Dame's LAM/MPI version 6.3.2 (soon to be 6.5.1).

LAM (Local Area Multicomputer) is an MPI programming environment and development system for heterogeneous computers on a network. With LAM, a dedicated cluster or an existing network computing infrastructure can act as one parallel computer solving one problem.

LAM features extensive debugging support in the application development cycle and peak performance for production applications. LAM features a full implementation of the MPI communication standard (with the exception that canceling sent messages is not supported).

--- Typical usage

LAM is a daemon-based implementation of MPI. This means that a daemon process is launched on each machine that will be in the parallel environment. Once the daemons have been launched, LAM is ready to be used. A typical usage scenario is as follows:

- Boot LAM on all the nodes - Run MPI programs - Shut down LAM

LAM does not need to be booted in order to compile MPI programs.

LAM is a user-based MPI environment; each user who wishes to use LAM must boot their own LAM environment. LAM is not a client-server environment where a single LAM daemon can service all LAM users on a given machine.

--- Starting LAM

The recon(1) tool checks if LAM can be started on the given boot schema. There are several prerequisites that enable LAM to be started on a remote machine:

* The machine must be reachable and operational. * The user must have an account on the machine. * The user must be able to rsh(1) to the machine (permissions must be set in either the /etc/hosts.equiv file or the user's .rhosts file on the machine). * The LAM executables must be locatable on that machine, using the shell's search path and possibly the LAMHOME environment variable, as described above. * The shell's start-up script must not print anything on standard error. The user can take advantage of the fact that rsh(1) will start the shell non-interactively. The start-up script can exit early in this case, before executing many commands relevant only to interactive sessions and likely to generate output.

*All* of these prerequisites must be met before LAM will function properly. If recon does not complete successfully, the "-d" option will give verbose descriptions of what it tried to do, and suggestions to fix the problem.

Also keep in mind that just because recon works, lamboot itself may still fail. This usually happens when the "hboot" program (that lamboot invokes on remote nodes) fails for some reason. Again, the "-d" option to lamboot will enable extremely verbose output, and suggest solutions to common problems.

Users should read the lam(7) manual page to get started using LAM tools and libraries.

Remeber to add /export/Solaris_2.5.1/apps/mpi2-lam6.3.2/lam-6.3.2/man to your MANPATH shell environment variable.

Additionally, the University of Notre Dame offers a "Getting Started with LAM" tutorial, that, although somewhat biased towards the Notre Dame computing environment, is a good starting point to getting familiar with LAM.

Viewing formatted files

To view dvi files use the command  xdvi  on Linux machines.

To view postscript (.ps) files, use the command  ghostview.

To view adobe (.pdf) files, use the command  acroread  on Solaris machines.

Printing Files

From machines running solaris, postscript (.ps) and text files can be printed on the printer aveia. I am not sure if PDF can be printed directly, but Acrobat Reader program (acroread) can create postscript output. Linux-based machine can print most file types on the printer mel. If necessary use these machines to generate postscript files (e.g. dvips to convert .dvi files to .ps) to print using aveia.

Last modified on the 19-Apr-01